Source code for nexoclom.LOSResult

import os.path
import numpy as np
# from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import random
import astropy.units as u
from datetime import datetime
from .ModelResults import ModelResult
from .database_connect import database_connect
from .Output import Output

[docs]class LOSResult(ModelResult): def __init__(self, inputs, data, quantity, dphi=3*u.deg, filenames=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """Determine column or emission along lines of sight. This assumes the model has already been run. Parameters ========== inputs An Inputs object data A Pandas DataFrame object with information on the lines of sight. quantity Quantity to calculate: 'column', 'radiance', 'density' dphi Angular size of the view cone. Default = 3 deg. filenames A filename or list of filenames to use. Default = None is to find all files created for the inputs. overwrite If True, deletes any images that have already been computed. Default = False """ format_ = {'quantity':quantity} super().__init__(inputs, format_, filenames=filenames) tstart = self.type = 'LineOfSight' self.species = inputs.options.species self.origin = inputs.geometry.planet self.unit = u.def_unit('R_' + self.origin.object, self.origin.radius) self.dphi = nspec = len(data) self.radiance = np.zeros(nspec) self.packets = np.zeros(nspec) self.ninview = np.zeros(nspec, dtype=int) for j,outfile in enumerate(self.filenames): # Search to see if it is already done radiance_, packets_, idnum = self.restore(data, outfile) if (radiance_ is None) or overwrite: if (radiance_ is not None) and overwrite: self.delete_model(idnum) radiance_, packets_, = self.create_model(data, outfile) print(f'Completed model {j+1} of {len(self.filenames)}') else: print(f'Model {j+1} of {len(self.filenames)} ' 'previously completed.') self.radiance += radiance_ self.packets += packets_ self.radiance *= self.atoms_per_packet self.radiance *= u.R tend = print(f'Total time = {tend-tstart}') def delete_model(self, idnum): with database_connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('''SELECT idnum, filename FROM uvvsmodels WHERE out_idnum = %s''', (int(idnum), )) assert cur.rowcount in (0, 1) for mid, mfile in cur.fetchall(): cur.execute('''DELETE from uvvsmodels WHERE idnum = %s''', (mid, )) if os.path.exists(mfile): os.remove(mfile)
[docs] def save(self, data, fname, radiance, packets): # Determine if the model can be saved. # Criteria: 1 complete orbit, nothing more. orbits = set(data.orbit) orb = orbits.pop() if len(orbits) != 0: print('Model spans more than one orbit. Cannot be saved.') else: from MESSENGERuvvs import MESSENGERdata mdata = MESSENGERdata(self.species, f'orbit = {orb}') if len(mdata) != len(data): print('Model does not contain the complete orbit. ' 'Cannot be saved.') else: with database_connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() # Determine the id of the outputfile idnum_ = pd.read_sql(f'''SELECT idnum FROM outputfile WHERE filename='{fname}' ''', con) idnum = int(idnum_.idnum[0]) # Insert the model into the database if self.quantity == 'radiance': mech = ', '.join(sorted([m for m in self.mechanism])) wave_ = sorted([w.value for w in self.wavelength]) wave = ', '.join([str(w) for w in wave_]) else: mech = None wave = None tempname = f'temp_{orb}_{str(random.randint(0, 1000000))}' cur.execute(f'''INSERT into uvvsmodels (out_idnum, quantity, orbit, dphi, mechanism, wavelength, filename) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', (idnum, self.quantity, orb, self.dphi, mech, wave, tempname)) # Determine the savefile name idnum_ = pd.read_sql(f'''SELECT idnum FROM uvvsmodels WHERE filename='{tempname}';''', con) assert len(idnum_) == 1 idnum = int(idnum_.idnum[0]) savefile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), f'model.orbit{orb:04}.{idnum}.pkl') with open(savefile, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((radiance, packets), f) cur.execute(f'''UPDATE uvvsmodels SET filename=%s WHERE idnum=%s''', (savefile, idnum))
[docs] def restore(self, data, fname): # Determine if the model can be restored. # Criteria: 1 complete orbit, nothing more. orbits = set(data.orbit) orb = orbits.pop() if len(orbits) != 0: print('Model spans more than one orbit. Cannot be saved.') radiance, packets, idnum = None, None, None else: with database_connect() as con: # Determine the id of the outputfile idnum_ = pd.read_sql(f'''SELECT idnum FROM outputfile WHERE filename='{fname}' ''', con) oid = idnum_.idnum[0] if self.quantity == 'radiance': mech = ("mechanism = '" + ", ".join(sorted([m for m in self.mechanism])) + "'") wave_ = sorted([w.value for w in self.wavelength]) wave = ("wavelength = '" + ", ".join([str(w) for w in wave_]) + "'") else: mech = 'mechanism is NULL' wave = 'wavelength is NULL' result = pd.read_sql( f'''SELECT idnum, filename FROM uvvsmodels WHERE out_idnum={oid} and quantity = '{self.quantity}' and orbit = {orb} and dphi = {self.dphi} and {mech} and {wave}''', con) assert len(result) <= 1 if len(result) == 1: savefile = result.filename[0] with open(savefile, 'rb') as f: radiance, packets = pickle.load(f) idnum = result.idnum[0] if len(radiance) != len(data): radiance, packets, idnum = None, None, None else: pass else: radiance, packets, idnum = None, None, None return radiance, packets, idnum
[docs] def create_model(self, data, outfile, **kwargs): # distance of s/c from planet dist_from_plan = (np.sqrt(data.x**2 + data.y**2 + data.z**2)).values # Angle between look direction and planet. ang = np.arccos((-data.x*data.xbore - data.y*data.ybore - data.z*data.zbore)/dist_from_plan) # Check to see if look direction intersects the planet anywhere asize_plan = np.arcsin(1./dist_from_plan) # Don't worry about lines of sight that don't hit the planet dist_from_plan[ang > asize_plan] = 1e30 # Load the outputfile output = Output.restore(outfile) packets = output.X packets['radvel_sun'] = (packets['vy'] + # Will base shadow on line of sight, not the packets out_of_shadow = np.ones(len(packets)) self.packet_weighting(packets, out_of_shadow, output.aplanet) xpack = packets[['x', 'y', 'z']].values weight = packets['weight'].values # This sets limits on regions where packets might be rad, pack = np.zeros(len(data)), np.zeros(len(data)) xdata = data[['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float) boresight = data[['xbore', 'ybore', 'zbore']].values.astype(float) # This removes the packets that aren't close to the los if 'outeredge' in kwargs: oedge = kwargs['outeredge'] else: oedge = output.inputs.options.outeredge*2 print(f'{len(data)} spectra taken.') # t0, t1, t2, t3 = 0, 0, 0, 0 for i in range(len(data)): # t0_ = x_sc = xdata[i,:] bore = boresight[i,:] dd = 30 # Furthest distance we need to look x_far = x_sc+bore*dd while np.linalg.norm(x_far) > oedge: dd -= 0.1 x_far = x_sc+bore*dd x_far = x_sc + bore*oedge b_min = np.minimum(x_sc, x_far) b_max = np.maximum(x_sc, x_far) wid = dd*np.sin(self.dphi + 0.5*np.pi/180) mask = ((xpack[:,0] >= b_min[0]-wid) & (xpack[:,0] <= b_max[0]+wid) & (xpack[:,1] >= b_min[1]-wid) & (xpack[:,1] <= b_max[1]+wid) & (xpack[:,2] >= b_min[2]-wid) & (xpack[:,2] <= b_max[2]+wid)).nonzero()[0] subset = xpack[mask] wt = weight[mask] # t1_ = # Distance of packets from spacecraft xpr = subset - x_sc[np.newaxis,:] rpr = np.sqrt(xpr[:,0]*xpr[:,0] + xpr[:,1]*xpr[:,1] + xpr[:,2]*xpr[:,2]) # t2_ = # Packet-s/c boresight angle losrad = np.sum(xpr * bore[np.newaxis,:], axis=1) costheta = losrad/rpr costheta[costheta > 1] = 1. costheta[costheta < -1] = -1. # t3_ = inview = ((costheta >= np.cos(self.dphi)) & (rpr < dist_from_plan[i])) # t4_ = if np.any(inview): Apix = np.pi*(rpr[inview]*np.sin(self.dphi))**2 * self.unit**2 wtemp = wt[inview]/**2).value if self.quantity == 'radiance': # Determine if any packets are in shadow # Projection of packet onto LOS losrad_ = losrad[inview] # Point along LOS the packet represents hit = (x_sc[np.newaxis,:] + bore[np.newaxis,:] * losrad_[:,np.newaxis]) rhohit = np.linalg.norm(hit[:,[0,2]], axis=1) out_of_shadow = (rhohit > 1) | (hit[:,1] < 0) wtemp *= out_of_shadow rad[i] = np.sum(wtemp) pack[i] = np.sum(inview) else: pass # t3_ = if len(data) > 10: if (i % (len(data)//10)) == 0: print(f'Completed {i+1} spectra') # t0 += (t1_-t0_).microseconds # t1 += (t2_-t1_).microseconds # t2 += (t3_-t2_).microseconds # t3 += (t4_-t3_).microseconds # print(t0/1e6, t1/1e6, t2/1e6, t3/1e6) # assert 0 # del output, outfile, rad, pack) return rad, pack